Monday, March 13, 2017

New Records Found for Long Island Davison Family

Today, among other things, I left a note on the memorial of my second great grandfather, Oliver Davison.  To see his memorial on Find A Grave, try this link.

I also found a record for my two great, great aunts, Amelia and Susan Davison, showing their entry into the United States at St. Albans, Vermont.  They had been on a voyage to England, and this was where they came back to.  If I learn how to share the link or post the image I found on Ancestry, I will share it.

Enjoyed participating in an online Google+ Hangout On Air called Mondays With Myrt, featuring Pat Richley-Erickson as dearMYRTLE and Russ Worthington as Cousin Russ.  Now I have to figure out how to make a link and insert an image for you at this point.  Wish me luck!

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