Monday, March 13, 2017

Travels and Online Research

It is a pleasure to be able to travel to visit our children in far away places without having to abandon my research.  Thanks to modern technology, we can still look for information about our dear departed ones when we have Internet access. We can also check and send emails. And, not to be forgotten, we can blog about our adventures.

This is an experiment in creating a link.  Wish me luck!

Hope you can use it.  If so, just watch out for more.  We have done our tests with AncestryDNA, and are having a lot of fun with them.  When I went to RootsTech last month, I was able to buy 30 DNA kits for friends and family at a deeply discounted price of $49.00.  I had the plan to help each person do the saliva sample start a tree and activate the test.  Well, that only worked out in a couple of instances.

Now, I am looking for new cousins, helping someone find her birth father, and helping someone else (adopted at birth) find blood relatives.

What fun!  Check back for updates.

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