Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kemmerer, WY Family History Conference

Yesterday, I drove about 90 miles to Kemmerer to attend their Family History Conference.  It was the first time I've been to a smaller one put on by a stake.  It will not be the last time, for sure.
It was a very nice experience.  I learned some great things that I can put to use immediately.  Here are a few.

1.  Record and share family stories to help family members and others develop an appreciation for our ancestors.

2.  Learn about and use Mailing Lists, such as Rootsweb, to help you in your research.

3.  Family Search has some new tutorial videos to help us share stories and photos about our ancestors.  These videos are great!

4. is a wonderful site that we can use for sharing and acquiring information about our dear departed one.

5.  Last but not least, we can have a conference in our stake, just like they did.  It was a quality experience, to say the least.

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